


16877太阳集团安全入口/正高2022-12-02 23:03:56来源:16877太阳集团安全入口评论:0收藏本文


洪伟毅,男,物理电子学博士,教授,硕士生导师。本科毕业于华中科技大学物理系并保送至华中科技大学光电子科学与工程学院直接攻读博士研究生,师从我国激光领域著名学者陆培祥教授(长江、杰青,华中科技大学学术委员会副主任)。从博士研究生起一直从事非线性光学传输的理论与实验研究。2015年进入16877太阳集团安全入口,目前担任光电信息科学与工程系主任/光电信息科学与工程专业负责人。在物理学与光学国际著名期刊Optics Letters、Optics Express、New Journal of Physics、Journal of Lightwave Technology、Physical Review A、Optics and Laser Technology, Annlen Der Physik等发表论文100余篇篇。主持包括国家自然科学基金面上项目在内的各类纵向项目七项。承担本科专业必修课程《工程电磁场》和《工科数学基础》以及研究生选修课程《强场激光物理基础》的教学工作。


2002.09-2006.07  华中科技大学物理系,本科,应用物理学

2006.09-2010.12  华中科技大学光电子科学与工程学院,博士研究生,物理电子学


2010.12-2012.09  华中科技大学物理学院,讲师

2012.12-2015.01  16877太阳集团安全入口,博士后

2015.04-2015.12  16877太阳集团安全入口,讲师

2016.01-2021.12  16877太阳集团安全入口,副研究员

2022.01-至今 16877太阳集团安全入口,教授



1.  圆环艾里脉冲光束驱动的高次谐波空间相位匹配特性及其控制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,54万,2019.01-2022.12,在研

2.  双色贝塞尔-高斯光束驱动宽带超连续谐波特性研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金,25万,2012.01-2014.12,已结题

3.  渐变折射率多模光纤中的模式非线性动力学研究,广东省自然科学基金面上项目,10万,2022.01-2024.12,在研

4.  基于高次谐波光子通道操纵的孤立阿秒涡旋光源,广东省自然科学基金面上项目,10万,2019.10-2022.09,在研

5.  负性液晶时空非线性非局域研究,广东省自然科学基金面上项目,10万,2016.06-2019.05,已结题

6.  基于多模式同步强脉动调控的高能量光纤激光器及其应用研究,国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目,80万,排名第二


1.  Fengbei Shen, Zeyue Pang, Chunya Wang, Weiyi Hong*, “High-order vortex harmonic generation with circular Airy vortex beams”, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 40, 398 (2023).

2.  Jiaying Chen, Weiyi Hong* and Aiping Luo, “Nonlinear dynamics of beam self-cleaning onLP11 mode in multimode fibers”, Optics Express, 30, 43453 (2022).

3. Meiqi Li, Qichang Ma, Aiping Luo and Weiyi Hong*, “Switchable strong coupling between dual hyperbolic phonon polaritons and photons in hybrid structure of metasurfaces and h-BN slab”, New Journal of Physics, 24, 113011 (2022).

4.  Meiqi Li, Qichang Ma, Aiping Luo and Weiyi Hong*, “Multiple toroidal dipole symmetry-protected bound states in the continuum in all-dielectric metasurfaces”, Optics and Laser Technology, 154, 108252 (2022)

5.   Zixuan Liao, Qichang Ma, Longxiao Wang, Zhi Yang, Meiqi Li, Fu Deng and Weiyi Hong, “Guiding-mode-assisted double-BICs in anall-dielectric metasurface”, Optics Express, 30, 24676-24688 (2022)

6.   Zeyue Pang, Fengbei Shen and Weiyi Hong*, “Accessible Tuning of High Harmonics with Abruptly Auto-Focusing Beams”, Annlen Der Physik, 2100536 (2022)

7.  Qilin Ma, Weiyi Hong*, and Lingling Shui*, “Polarization and incidence insensitive analogue of electromagnetically induced reflection metamaterial with high group delay”, Optics Express, 30, 3055 (2022)

8.   Qichang Ma, Aiping Luo, and Weiyi Hong*, “Numerical study of photonic crystal fiber supporting 180 orbital angular momentum modes with high mode quality and flat dispersion”, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 39, 2971(2021)

9.   Weitao He, Jianan Dai, Qichang Ma, Aiping Luo, and Weiyi Hong*, “Modal perspective on geometric parametric instability sidebands in graded-index multimode fibers”, Optics Express, 29, 11353-11360 (2021)

10.  Pang Zeyue, Ze Wang, Fengbei Sheng, and Weiyi Hong*, “Phase-matching control of high-order harmonics with circular Airy-Gaussian beams”, Optics Express, 29, 29308-29316 (2021)

11. Weitao He, Ruihuan Wu, and Weiyi Hong* and Aiping Luo, Modal dynamics in multimode optical fibers: an attractor of high-order modes, Optics Express, 29, 32682-32690 (2021)

12.  Yuanqiang Peng, Xiaolin Wu, Pingwei Liu, Kaiwen Yi, Dongmei Deng and Weiyi Hong*, “Abruptly autofocusing induced by the defocusing nonlinearity”, Applied Physics Express, 14, 102005 (2021)

13. Yuming Huang, Pingwei Liu, Kaiwen Yi, Ruifeng Chen, Zhenzhou Deng and Weiyi Hong*, “Dynamics of Pearcey-Gaussian pulses in a multimode fiber”, Optics Communications, 488, 126873 (2021)

14. Jianan Dai, Weitao He, Qichang Ma, Aiping Luo, and Weiyi Hong*, “Nearly Perfect Raman Self-Cleaning in Graded-Index Multimode Fibers Using Pearcey-Gaussian Pulses”, IEEE Access, 9, 46260-46264 (2021)

15.   Pingwei Liu, Yuming Huang, Kaiwen Yi, Ruifeng Chen, Weiyi Hong*, Dynamics of non-uniform breathing solitons of pulses in multimode fibers, Optik, 247, 167972 (2021)

16.   Qilin Ma, Weiyi Hong*, and Lingling Shui*, Structural Optimization of Single-Layer Graphene Metamaterial for Ultra-Broadband Terahertz Absorber, IEEE Photonics Journal, 13, 4600307 (2021)

17.   Zhe Wang, Weiyi Hong*, Feng Wang, Qing Liao, “Tuning the orbital angular momentum of high harmonics by manipulating the collinear photon channels in two-color high-harmonic generation”, Physical Review Research, 2, 033482(2020)

18. Ruifeng Chen, Kaiwen Yi, Yuanqiang Peng, Baoying Zou, and Weiyi Hong*, “The supercontinuum generation with Pearcey-Gaussian pulses in an optical fiber”, Results in Physics, 103255 (2020)

19. Yuanqiang Peng, Ruifeng Chen, Xiaolin Wu, Qichang Ma and Weiyi Hong*, “Controllable abrupt focusing of a ring Pearcey-Gaussian (PeG) beam in nonlocally defocusing nonlinear media”, Journal of Optics, 22,095501 (2020)

20.  Qichang Ma, Jianan Dai, Aiping Luo and Weiyi Hong*, “Numerical and Theoretical Study of Tunable Plasmonically Induced Transparency Effect Based on Bright–Dark Mode Coupling in Graphene Metasurface,” Nanomaterials, 10, 232 (2020)

21.  Jianan Dai, Qichang Ma, Aiping Luo, Weiyi Hong*,“Nearly non-dispersive propagation of Pearcey–Gaussian pulses in optical fibers close to the zero dispersion point”, Optics Communications, 471, 125915 (2020)

22.   Yunqi Li, Yuanqiang Peng, Weiyi Hong*, “Propagation of the Pearcey pulse with a linear chirp, ” Results in Physics, 16, 102932 (2020)

23.   Kaiwen Yi, Ruifeng Chen, and Weiyi Hong*, “Dynamics of Pearcey pulses in highly noninstantaneous Kerr media,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 59, 032001 (2020)

24.   邹宝英, 戴佳男, 洪伟毅, “光纤中飞秒双脉冲束缚态产生超连续谱的研究”, 中国激光, 47, 0706003(2020)

25. Yuanqiang Peng, Xiaolin Wu, Yunqi Li, and Weiyi Hong*, “Funnel beams in the defocusing nonlinear media,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 58, 100904 (2019)

26.  Yuanqiang Peng, Yunqi Li, Xiaolin Wu, and Weiyi Hong*, “Bottle Beams in Nonlocally Defocusing Nonlinear Media,” IEEE Photonics Journal 11, 6501009 (2019)

27.  Ruihong Chen and Weiyi Hong*, “Dynamics of Airy beams in parity–time symmetric optical lattices”, Chinese Physics B 28, 054202 (2019)

28.  Guo Liang, Weiyi Hong(并列一作), Tao Luo, Jing Wang, Yingbing Li, Qi Guo, Wei Hu, and Demetrios N. Christodoulides, Physical Review A 99, 063808 (2019)

29. Qichang Ma, Youwei Zhan and Weiyi Hong*, “Tunable Metamaterial with Gold and Graphene Split-Ring Resonators and Plasmonically Induced Transparency”, Nanomaterials, 9, 7(2019)

30.   Weiyi Hong* and Manling Xu, “Long‑range interactions of double beams in party‑time symmetric lattices in the presence of nonlocal nonlinearities,” Applied Physics B, 124, 239 (2018)

31.   Weiyi Hong, Bo Tian, Rui Li, Qi Guo, and Wei Hu, “Perturbation-iteration method for multi-peak solitons in nonlocal nonlinear media”, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 35, 317 (2018)

32.   Fu Deng and Weiyi Hong*. “Chirp-Induced Channel of an Airy Pulse in an Optical Fiber Close to Its Zero-Dispersion Point,” IEEE Photonics Journal 8, 7102874 (2016)

33.   Fu Deng, Weiyi Hong* and Dongmei Deng, “Airy-type solitary wave in highly noninstantaneous Kerr media”, Optics Express 24, 15997 (2016)


1.  本科专业必修课《工程电磁场》

2.  本科专业必修课《工科数学基础》

3.  研究生选修课程《强场激光物理基础》



1.  2020-2021学年16877太阳集团安全入口优秀教师

2.  2021年度全国大学生挑战杯广东省二等奖,第一指导老师

3.  16877太阳集团安全入口2021年教学成果二等奖,排名第四

4.  华中科技大学2008年研究生“科技十佳”第二名



2019.12-至今 广东省高校教学指导委员会电工电子分委员会委员
