
澳大利亚实验科学家Peter Krug博士来我院讲学

16877太阳集团安全入口/16877太阳集团新闻2017-11-14 23:08:15来源:16877太阳集团安全入口研究生会评论:0收藏本文

11月9日上午10点,澳大利亚的实验科学家 Peter Krug博士应我院周桂耀老师邀请,于光电学院第一学术报告厅做了一场题为“Writing Great Research Articles for High-Impact Publication”的学术报告。



Peter Krug博士正在讲解学术内容

Peter Krug博士首先向我们分析了我们在论文发表过程中遇到的一系列的问题如科学实验、论文写作以及审稿和编辑等;针对这些问题,Peter Krug博士向我们提出了针对性的解决方案,例如,要明白谁会读你的文章、选择恰当的文章标题、保证摘要语言的清晰和精准以及合理设计文章结构等。 


Peter Krug博士正在为研究生们进行答疑解惑

在师生互动环节,同学们积极提问,Peter Krug博士对每位学生提出的问题都给出了专业的回答。经过“Writing Great Research Articles for High-Impact Publication”这场学术报告,同学们不仅对论文发表的过程有了清晰的认识,而且英语口语也得到了相应的锻炼。最后,在同学们的热烈掌声中,本次讲座圆满落幕。

Dr Peter Krug is an Australian experimental scientist who has researched in universities and industry in Australia, Canada and Switzerland. Peter has researched and lectured and in optics, lasers, photonics, optical fibre sensors, astronomy and general physics. As well as publishing his research in journals and presenting at conferences, Peter has been the Fibre Optics Topical Editor for Applied Optics". He regularly reviews research manuscripts for high-impact international journals and conferences. Peter has chaired and served on international and national conference organising committees. Peter has written and reviewed research grant applications in Australia and Canada.

After he left the University of New South Wales in Australia in 2015, Peter founded Krug Scientific to share his technical writing skills and his scientific knowledge and experience with scientific and technical authors, universities and industry. He also works with research organisations and researchers to develop research collaborations and research grants.

图/ 林宁    文/唐燕    责任编辑/张俊杰